Developer portal

Data Types

Complex data types


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
TicketId Integer no ticket identifier
TicketName1 String no seat row which this ticket refers to
TicketName2 String no seat number which this ticket refers to
FaceValue Decimal no face price
SellingPrice Decimal no selling price
IsRestrictedView Boolean no indicates, whether related ticket has restricted view
RestrictionDescription String yes restricted view description (occurs only, when IsRestrictedView is set to true)
Barcode String no barcode code
BarcodeType ETicketCodeType no barcode type
ScheduledOn DateTime yes Applies only to Scheduled E-tickets


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
TicketId Integer no ticket identifier
TicketName1 String no seat row which this ticket refers to
TicketName2 String no seat number which this ticket refers to
IsRestrictedView Boolean no indicates, whether related ticket has restricted view
RestrictionDescription String yes restricted view description (occurs only, when IsRestrictedView is set to true)


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
TicketId Integer yes ticket identifier
TicketName1 String no seat row which this ticket refers to
TicketName2 String no seat number which this ticket refers to


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Price Decimal no plan price


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
AreaName String yes ticket area name which this block refers to
SellingPrice Decimal no selling price that is same for all tickets within this block
FaceValue Decimal no face price that is same for all tickets within this block
TicketName1 String no seat row
Tickets Collection of TicketInfo no contains information about a ticket
SingleItemBookLink String yes link for single item booking


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Ticket PrintAtHomeTicketInfo no Print-At-Home ticket info
FileSize Integer no Print-At-Home ticket file size
DownloadUrl String no download URL to a Print-At-Home ticket


Property Data type Nullable Description
TicketId Integer no ticket identifier
ETickets collection of ETicket no contains information about an e-ticket


Property Data type Nullable Description
Items collection of GetBasketETicketsItem no contains information about e-tickets related to a specific ticket


Property Data type Nullable Description
Type ETicketType no e-ticket type
DownloadUrl string no e-ticket download URL address


related DTO

Contains information about a review

Property Data type Nullable Description
ConsumerName String no consumer name
Stars Integer no count of stars
CreatedAt Date no creation date
Content String no review content


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Reviews Collection of Review no contains information about a review
ReviewsCount Integer no reviews count
AverageRating Double no average rating
HighestPossibleRating Integer no highest possible rating
CurrentReviewsCount Integer no selected reviews count
CurrentReviewsFrom Integer no selected reviews skipped


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Success Boolean no if basket was successfully created
BasketId Guid no basket identifier


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
BasketItemId Integer no basket item identifier
EventId Integer no event identifier
EventName String yes event name
ImageUrl String yes URL to an illustration image
PerformanceDate DateTime no date and time at which performance occurs
AreaName String yes ticket area name which these tickets refers to
Seats Collection of string no seats which these tickets refers to
Tickets Collection of TicketInfoBooking no contains information about a ticket
VenueId Integer no venue identifier which this basket item refers to
VenueName String yes venue name which this basket item refers to
VenueAddress String yes venue address which this basket item refers to
VenueCity String yes venue city which this basket item refers to
VenuePostCode String yes venue postal code which this basket item refers to
PriceSubTotal Decimal no total price of basket item
ReservationValidity Integer no number of minutes till reservation expires (also negative value)
ExpirationDate DateTime no expiration date of reservation


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
SeatingPlanUrl String no URL of the embedded seating plan that can be displayed inside an iframe


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Success Boolean no if item was successfully added to basket
FailureReason Integer no see AddItemToBasketFailureReason enumeration for further information
GetBasketContentResult GetBasketContentResult no contains information about basket content


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
BasketId Guid no basket identifier
MinExpirationDate DateTime no expiration date of reservation
DeliveryInformation DeliveryInformation yes contains delivery information
Items Collection of BasketItem no contains information about a basket item
DiscountInformation String yes discount information


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
AllTicketsGenerated Boolean no if all Print-At-Home tickets of provided basket were generated successfully
RequestedTicketsCount Integer no requested Print-At-Home tickets count
GeneratedTicketsCount Integer no generated Print-At-Home tickets count
GeneratedTickets collection of GeneratedPrintAtHomeTicket no generated Print-At-Home tickets information


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Success Boolean no if order was successfully submitted
PaymentRedirectUrl String no URL to a payment redirect result


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Success Boolean no if order was successfully submitted
BookingReference String no public unique booking reference


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
TransactionReference Integer no transaction reference
BasketId Guid no basket identifier
DeliveryInformation DeliveryInformation yes contains delivery information
BasketItems Collection of BasketItem no contains information about a basket item
BookingReference String no booking reference
DiscountInformation String yes discount information


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Success Boolean no if tickets were successfully deleted from basket
GetBasketContentResult GetBasketContentResult no contains information about basket content


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
DeliveryType DeliveryType no delivery type
DeliveryPrice Decimal no delivery price
CustomerEmail String yes customer e-mail address
BillingFirstName String yes billing customer first name
BillingSurname String yes billing customer surname
BillingAddressLine1 String yes billing street, house number
BillingAddressLine2 String yes billing additional address information (e.g. floor)
BillingPostCode String yes billing post code
BillingPhoneNumber String yes billing phone number
BillingCity String yes billing city
BillingStateCode String yes billing state code, applied only for United States
BillingCountry String yes billing country identifier
BillingCountryName String yes billing country name
DeliveryFirstName String yes delivery customer first name
DeliverySurname String yes delivery customer surname
DeliveryAddressLine1 String yes delivery street, house number
DeliveryAddressLine2 String yes delivery additional address information (e.g. floor)
DeliveryPostCode String yes delivery post code
DeliveryPhoneNumber String yes delivery phone number
DeliveryCity String yes delivery city
DeliveryStateCode String yes delivery state code, applied only for United States
DeliveryCountry String yes delivery country identifier
DeliveryCountryName String yes delivery country name
DeliveryAddressSame Boolean no if delivery address is same as billing


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
ProtectedTicketsCount Integer no protected tickets count
TotalProtectionPrice Decimal no total protection price
Property Data type Nullable Description
Width Integer no image width
Height Integer no image height
Url String no image url


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Type EventMultimediaContentType no see EventMultimediaContentType enumeration for further information
Url String no content url


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
CountryId Integer no country identifier
CountryName String no country name
Ordering Integer no country order
ISO3166 String no worldwide country identifier


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
Countries Collection of Country no contains information about a country


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
StateId Integer no country identifier
StateName String no state name
StateCode String no state code


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
USStates Collection of USState no contains information about an US state


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
DeliveryTypeId Integer no delivery type identifier
DeliveryTypeName String yes delivery type name
DeliveryTypePrice Decimal no delivery type price


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
DeliveryTypes Collection of DeliveryType no contains information about a delivery type


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
EventTypeId Integer no event type identifier
EventTypeName String yes event type name


related DTO
Property Data type Nullable Description
EventTypes Collection of EventType no contains information about an event type


Property Data type Nullable Description
EventName String no event name
PerformanceDate DateTime no date of the performance which this ticket refers to
TicketName1 String no seat row which this ticket refers to
TicketName2 Int no seat number which this ticket refers to
AreaName String no ticket area name which this ticket refers to
VenueName String no venue name which this ticket refers to
Barcode String no barcode code
BarcodeType ETicketCodeType no barcode type


Property Data type Nullable Description
FullName String no Customer name and surname
Email String no Customer e-mail address
PhoneNumber String no Customer phone number
Address Address no Customer address


Property Data type Nullable Description
AddressLine1 String yes Customer address line 1
AddressLine2 String yes Customer address line 2
AddressLine3 String yes Customer address line 3
AddressLine4 String yes Customer address line 4
City String yes Customer city
Country String yes Customer country
PostCode String yes Customer postcode


Property Data type Nullable Description
EventId int no Event ID
EventImageUrl String yes URL to event image
PerformanceId int no Performance ID
PerformanceDateTime DateTime no Date and time of booked performance
VenueName String yes Venue name
VenueId int no Venue ID
Tickets Collection of TicketInfoResponse yes Contains information about tickets
OrderStatus String yes Status of the order – "Purchased" or "Cancelled"
VenueLongtitude Decimal yes Venue Longtitude
VenueLatitude Decimal yes Venue Latitude


Property Data type Nullable Description
EventId int no Event ID
EventImageUrl String yes URL to event image
PerformanceId int no Performance ID
PerformanceDateTime DateTime no Date and time of booked performance
VenueName String yes Venue name
VenueId int no Venue ID
Tickets Collection of TicketInfoResponse yes Contains information about tickets
OrderStatus String yes Status of the order – "Purchased" or "Cancelled"
VenueLongtitude Decimal yes Venue Longtitude
VenueLatitude Decimal yes Venue Latitude


Property Data type Nullable Description
PerformanceId Integer yes Performance Id
AreasPrices list of Area Price yes List of area prices


Property Data type Nullable Description
AreaId Integer yes Area Id
AreaName String yes Area name
Prices list of Price yes List of prices


Property Data type Nullable Description
Price Decimal yes Price
FaceValue Decimal yes Face value
AvailableSeatsCount Integer yes Number of available seats count


Property Data type Nullable Description
PerformanceId Integer No Performance ID
AreaId Integer No Area ID
SeatsCount Integer No Number of seats requested
Price Decimal Yes Optional price filter


Property Data type Nullable Description
TicketId int no Ticket ID
Row String no Row of a seat for this ticket
Seat int no Seat number for this ticket
AreaName String no Name of area, where is this seat
SeatAttributeId int no ID of related Attribute for this seat
PriceId int no ID of related Price for this seat


Property Data type Nullable Description
PriceId int no Ordinal ID of the price
FaceValue decimal no Face vlue price
SellingPrice decimal no Selling price
PriceBefore decimal no Price before discount offer


Property Data type Nullable Description
AttributeId int no Ordinal ID of the attribute
RestrictedView bool no Indicates, wether is restricted view from the seat
Highlight bool no Indicates, wether is the seat features highlight
Description string no Description of the seat